Sensory Issues

Sensory Issues | Wedding Guests

What are sensory issues? People with sensory issues may be over- or under-sensitive to stimuli, and these issues can affect one or more senses. For example, someone with sensory issues might react strongly to loud noises, bright lights, or scratchy clothes, or they might seem unresponsive to extreme heat or cold causing discomfort or distress to the individual.

So, when planning a wedding reception, it is important to consider the needs of all guests, including those who may have sensory issues. At the bottom of RSVP cards, you can nicely ask guests if they are sensory sensitive with a box for them to check. Most guests will not voluntarily let you know.  

To ensure that all guests are comfortable and able to enjoy the celebration, it is essential to take steps to address these sensory issues before the celebration.

Noise Sensitivity

Wedding receptions are often filled with music, laughter, and conversation, which can be overwhelming for individuals who are sensitive to loud noises. This is one of the most common sensory issues at wedding receptions. To address this issue, it is advisable to provide a quiet area where guests can retreat if they need a break from the noise. This area should be equipped with comfortable seating and be located away from the main reception area. 

Additionally, it may be helpful to communicate with the DJ or band about the volume levels during certain parts of the reception, such as speeches or dances, to ensure that they are not too loud.

Light Sensitivity

Bright or flashing lights can cause discomfort or even migraines for some individuals. To address this issue, it is important to consider the lighting design of the reception venue. Avoiding bright or strobing lights and opting for softer, more ambient lighting can help create a more comfortable environment for guests with light sensitivity. Additionally, it may be helpful to provide guests with the option to wear sunglasses or provide them with shaded areas where they can take a break from the bright lights.

By identifying guests with sensitivities, taking steps to address noise and light sensitivity issues at wedding receptions, couples can ensure that all their guests are able to enjoy and participate in the celebration. It is important to communicate with the venue staff and vendors about these concerns and work together to create an inclusive and accommodating environment for all guests. By doing so, couples can create a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance.







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