flower girl

Believe in fairies?

posted in: Bride, Editorial, Groom, Weddings | 0

You must believe in fairies to have them in your wedding. Having flower girls at your wedding adds sweet fairies and a traditional touch to the ceremony. Flower girls, usually between the ages of 3 to 10 years old, precede the bride down the aisle, often scattering flower petals. 

It’s important to choose children who are comfortable in front of crowds and who are excited to be part of the ceremony. Flower girls are often nieces, cousins, family friends, or children of close friends. Some couples even opt to include their own daughters if applicable.

Dress Style

Traditionally, flower girls wear white dresses that complement the bride’s gown. However, their dresses can also match the bridesmaids’ colors or follow the overall color theme of the wedding. Also, flower crowns or small floral headpieces are popular for flower girls, adding to the whimsical look. They can carry small baskets, often filled with flower petals to scatter down the aisle.

Role in the Ceremony

Flower girls usually walk down the aisle just before the bride, either alone or with the ring bearer. They may scatter petals, carry a bouquet, or even just hold a sign, (“Here comes the bride”).  If the venue doesn’t allow petals, flower girls can carry pomanders (flower balls) or carry small bouquets.

Managing Expectations

Some children might feel shy or overwhelmed on the wedding day. One way to ensure that the flower girls know what’s expected is to attend the wedding rehearsal. If they’re too young, they might need a little extra guidance, like walking with an older child or bridesmaid.


If you have several young relatives or friends you want to include, you can have more than one flower girl. They can walk together or take turns down the aisle. In fact, some couples incorporate their pets into the wedding, dressing them up as “flower pups” or similar roles.


Plan for a few special photo opportunities with the flower girls, both before and after the ceremony. Their outfits and energy can create some memorable moments.

Thank You Gifts

 A small gift (like a doll, a necklace, or a personalized memento) can be a lovely way to thank the flower girls for their part in your special day.

Including fairies (flower girls) adds a touch of charm, innocence and fun to the wedding, and it often becomes one of the most adorable parts of the ceremony!


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