the crew

The Aftermath

posted in: Bride, Editorial, Groom, Weddings | 0

So, the wedding reception is finally over and now it’s time for the venue cleanup. Oh boy, what a party it was! Now, as you look around at the mess, you are glad you made  arrangements with Kings & Queens Services Commercial/Janitorial. Tonight, the dance floor was on fire, the food was devoured faster than you can say “I do”, and let’s not even talk about the open bar. Someones drank too much and regurgitated all over the dance floor and people tracked in it. Now, reality has set in and it’s time to face the aftermath. The venue looks like a tornado just swept through. Empty champagne bottles scattered everywhere, confetti stuck to every surface, and vomit. It’s like a post-apocalyptic scene from a rom-com movie.

Enter Kings & Queens Services Janitorial cleanup crew. They are insured and their work comes with a guarantee. They are greeted with a mix of exhaustion and determination. They know they have a big task ahead of them, but they are armed with trash bags, brooms, cleaning supplies and a sense of humor. After all, if this place  can survive a wedding reception, it can survive anything. The janitorial cleanup crew start by tackling the dance floor, which is now a minefield of discarded shoes, lost ties, and vomit. It’s like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, they’re searching for missing socks and abandoned boutonnieres and the stench is unbearable.

Next up is the dining area, where remnants of the feast still linger. Kings & Queens Services Janitorial crew find more stench, half-eaten slices of cake hidden under napkins and plates stacked so high they could rival the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It’s like a game of Jenga, but instead of wooden blocks, they’re dealing with plates of mashed potatoes and gravy, more champagne bottles, half drank glasses of whiskey and their accompanying bottles.and tons of used napkins. They work their way through the mess, laughing at the absurdity of it all and making bets on who can find the most bizarre food combination.

Finally, they reach the bathroom area where they find more vomit, poop on the floor and all over the toilets and walls. There is also one broken toilet seat and toilet paper covers the floor. It’s a true testament to the celebration that took place just hours ago. They gather up the toilet paper from the floor, stand the toilet seat against the wall, spot clean poop off walls, and attack poop on toilets.  They began to reminisce about that one guest who danced on the bar and accidentally vomited over an entire tray of cocktails while falling off the bar. Yet, they worked mopping and vacuuming. Oh, what a night it was!

Kings & Queens Services Janitorial Crew finished their work and looked back at the transformed venue, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment after what they were faced with. Their uniforms were covered in vomit, poop, cake frosting and they had confetti in places they didn’t even know existed, but they’ve done their job and done it beyond expectations. 

The wedding reception may be over, but the memories will last a lifetime. And hey, at least the Kings & Queens Services Janitorial crew will have some great stories to tell at their next family reunion.

Kings & Queens Services Janitorial Crew is located in Cincinnati, OH. They can be reached at Leave your name, area code, phone number, and a brief message. Mr. Smith will contact you within 24 hours. Contact them, you will be impressed.







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